Monday, March 16, 2009

Week #2 Weigh in

Well the first week started off well, but I bombed at the end. All said and done I still have a loss but I could of got under a certain milestone had I not eaten way too many Peanut Butter Bars. I really had a small amount of exercise minutes 90 minutes for the whole week is pretty pathetic. In my BLC most people had about 300. I really need to step it up if I expect to have a chance at the exercise prize. My goal this week is to continue to write everything down and to really exercise. I figure planning my exercise is going to be the key. So I am planning a walk later today. Its a little cool to take my toddler out right now so we are going to wait until after lunch.
Here is the scale...too bad I don't have the biggest loser music to add in :)

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome good job. We lost about the same, I just did a bit more exercise but not much!
