Monday, April 6, 2009

Weigh in Results!

Well this week went better. I spent a lot of time outside this week. We have two gardens, one is 40x50 and the other is 20x44. We have been raking, fertilizing and putting black plastic down. We have also been taking out our railroad tie border so we can put up our new chain link fence. With all that work and getting a head cold on top of that I did manage to eat less. I also decided to call my doctor. I am getting my Mirena removed, and no I am not getting pregnant. Chad has had the big "V". I wanted the Mirena to stop my horrible pms and periods but its just not working this time around. I am really looking at trying not to mess with nature and my natural hormones. It will be interesting to see if it has any impact on my weight loss. Also this week I tried some Budget Gourmet frozen meals. They are less than One dollar at wal-mart. So they are really economical. I anitcipate another good week this week, I have a lot of busy days ahead and that seems to keep me from eating all the time too. I also continue to have my Crystal Light Strawberry Energy every morning. It really gives me a great pick-me up, and I try to sip on it all morning. I think now I have lost 8 pounds total since starting, its not too bad but I am off track, I had hoped to lose 2 a week and last week I stayed the same.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you had a good week! I'm so interested to see if you think having the Mirena out will help your weight loss.
    But as I think about it it, it took a good 10-12 months before I started getting the benefits that I was hoping to see from Mirena. Those results included stabilizing the mood swings that went along with my periods and getting rid of my periods or at least making them very light. Unpredictable but VERY light.
    However if it helps to be hormone therapy free to lose weight I'm interested.
